by Adam G. Slote on May 26, 2011
In Blaich v. West Hollywood Rent Stabilization Department, a landlord sought to overturn a decision of the West Hollywood Rent Stabilization Commission ("the Commission") by petition for writ of mandate (aka writ of administrative mandamus). The issue is whether the Blaichs' appeal was timely.
by Adam G. Slote on September 03, 2009
On September 2, 2009, the California Court of Appeal decided the case of Cesar Wences v. City of Los Angeles, Case No. B208525. An off-duty Los Angeles Police Officer carried his gun at his side during a confrontation outside his home with a group of four individuals. The leader of the group made threatening statements and gestures to the officer and his wife. The officer fired his gun into the grass to scare away the group. The Board of Police Commissioners issued an administrative diapproval for unauthorized tactics and inappropriate drawing of a firearm.