by Bo Links on May 09, 2011
Sometimes when teachers do what others do, they can get into trouble simply because they are teachers. A case from San Diego highlights this very problem. In San Diego Unified School District v. Commission on Professional Competence, the court held that a teacher’s act of posting lewd photos and advertising for sex on Craigslist constituted “immoral conduct” and made the teacher “unfit” to continue working in the San Diego school district.
by Bo Links on April 27, 2011
California teachers who have been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) often ask us about their reporting responsibilities to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The short answer is that a teacher who is already certificated does not necessarily have to report a DUI conviction at the time it is entered on the record, but a bit of background is helpful.
by Bo Links on November 24, 2010
We have handled many suspension cases over the years and it is amazing how often the procedure goes wrong. In a typical situation, a senior administrator (sometimes the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent) sends a notice to a teacher or principal informing them that they will be suspended without pay within 10 days. In some cases, the letter will offer a “hearing” of some sort.
by Bo Links on June 16, 2010
If a teacher has a DUI conviction, can the state Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) utilize a “per se” standard and conclude that the person is aromatically disqualified as a matter of law from teaching in California? The answer is no. In the case of Broney v. California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the court rejected use of a “per se” rule.
by Bo Links on November 06, 2009
Education is a hot button topic in America. One of the great challenges is placing highly qualified teachers in the classroom – especially in classrooms serving underprivileged students. One attempt to bridge the achievement gap between rich and poor (and between different ethnic groups) is the so-called “No Child Left Behind Act” (NCLB, 20 U.S.C. Sections 6301, et seq.). Under the NCLB, core subjects must be taught by “highly qualified” teachers. Individual states are free to adopt innovative certification programs to assure that level of competence in the classroom.